
Showing posts from February, 2012

One special day

Tuesday was Valentine’s Day as all of you know, and my gift to my husband would be a day of rest and peace. My husband is a very hard worker…he works a full-time job, Monday-Friday, leaves the house at 7 a.m., on Tuesday and Thursdays he leaves his job and goes to school until 10 p.m. If that is not enough, on Saturdays he pulls a 24 hour shift riding on the ambulance. He tries to fit in sleep on Sunday and then starts the whole routine over again on Monday morning. Tuesday morning when I woke up at 6 a.m. he had gotten up and gone to the grocery store. I jumped in the shower, put on my make-up, fixed my hair, made the bed and lit three or four candles. My thought was that I would be ready for the day, ready to meet whatever came up, our room was clean and neat, which always gives you a sense of peace, and lit the candles for a pleasant smell and a feeling of relaxation. I then went and brewed a fresh pot of coffee and then went into our room to wait for him. I envisioned a day for ...

A arm to hold onto...

Last week I attended several meetings at the hospital where I am a Patient Family Advisor. I was all dressed up, in my “going to town” clothes, had my hair and makeup just right, and was feeling special and important. The meetings went well except that the whole time I was there I felt a bit light -headed...maybe I better back off of the hair color! As I came out of the hospital, with my hands full (I took a cupcake with me to nibble on the way home), I must say I had a little attitude in my step. The next thing I knew..oops...and down I went...cupcake and me! I...Trina...Miss important met the sidewalk...OMG how embarrassing! And let me tell you this, graceful I am not! There were people entering and exiting the hospital along with a group of workmen weeding in the flower bed around the sidewalk. As if falling spread out on the sidewalk was horrifying enough, before I could pull myself together I had a group of people surrounding me. I, due to total embarrassment, was not sure whet...