
Showing posts from July, 2012

Fourth of July Freedom

Everyone is gearing up for the big Fourth of July fireworks tonight. It is on this day of celebration that we remember that by the middle of the 1700s, the 13 colonies that made up part of England's empire in the New World were finding it difficult to be ruled by a king 3,000 miles across the Atlantic Ocean. They were tired of the taxes and other rules imposed upon them. Our ancestors needed and wanted freedom. Freedom was hard to attain but worth the fight. I started to think about the fight for freedom…we want freedom from so many things. From the time we are infants, we want freedom from the confines of our mother’s womb. We want freedom to walk, to talk, to eat by ourselves with our own spoon and fork…if any of you have a one year old you know what I’m talking about! As we continue through life our freedom becomes increasingly more important. Every teenager can hardly wait for the freedom to drive, to go away to college, to move out on their own…oh the freedom of youth! As a...