Grocery shopping...trials and tribulations.
Today is Friday, the day I will go to the grocery store. I haven't been grocery shopping all week long. Believe me withdrawal is hard! We live in a small town and to grocery shop we have only have two choices... yes, there are still things that give you limited choices even in this day and age...Wal-Mart superstore and our friendly Bi-Lo store. My husband and I will go grocery shopping together. We have been doing it that way for as long as we have been married. During the first twenty some years it worked out that way because he was a fireman and worked twenty- four hour shifts. He would take us all to the grocery store and push the children around in the buggy(showing off the little ones), or just keep them occupied (pride fully accepting all compliments given him by all the ladies in the store who thought this was such a sweet thing). This gave him time with the children and he also felt like he was helping me since he was gone so much. Remember we are a family of traditions a...