The First Day of School

This is how the first day of school went....Mommy (that's me ), arose around 5:30 a.m. Great, I have enough time to dress and apply some make-up. I briskly applied my make-up, tousled my hair and dressed in a red and white checked sundress. I chose the red and white dress with the thought that it had a rather cheerful and celebratory look to it. The next item on my list was to make my bed, which I did in record time. Wow, are we on track, make-up, hair, dressed, and bed made and right on time! Thank you Lord for making my arms long enough to reach over my shoulder so I can pat myself on the back. Then it was off to wake the children. We had picked out the appropriate clothes last night and left them hanging on the doors of their rooms. That decision was already taken care of. As I woke the children up, I gave them instructions to dress and then meet me in the kitchen with their book bags, which were also packed with the school assigned items of glittered pencils, paper, glue sticks, Kleenex, some handy wipes and a special first day note from Mom. As I prepared their fruit cup, scrambled their eggs, and buttered their toast I had to smile to myself, knowing it was either that or tears, and there would be no tears today! The children were prompt in dressing and arrived in the kitchen at the same moment I was pouring their juice. We blessed the food, also asking for God's grace over us and especially the teachers and proceeded to eat our breakfast. Before we knew it, we were done with breakfast, had one more round of teeth brushing, got packed in the mini-van, lunch boxes and book bags in hand. Off we went, on time, and in shape to arrive just a tad early. It is just a short drive to school, only about 15 minutes or so, which gave me just enough time to go over a few last minute instructions. I did my best to reassure them and to remind them that I would be picking them up right outside the front door. Before I knew it we were pulling up in car line and children were bailing out of minivan and SUV by the dozens. I put the van in park and walked around to the passenger's side, the whole time reminding myself not to cry, FOR THEIR SAKE ! They jumped out, adjusting their book bags on their shoulders, when they spied some little friends. In a moment of time there was a shout, a wave, a kiss blown my way, and off they went.........only my children are not going to first's their first day at COLLEGE!

Now this is how it really went....I was awakened from a very pleasant deep sleep. What is that....Keith Urban belting out his newest hit via GAC on my bedroom T.V., loud enough to be heard in my bathroom over the hum of the blow dryer. As I attempted to get my bearings, I decided to get coffee first, ask questions later. I stumbled out of bed in my Old Navy tank and oversized p.j. pants. They were twisted up somehow and caused me to least this wasn't the pair that are a little too snug and give you that constant wedgey. Determined to make it to the coffee maker, I stiffly hobbled toward the kitchen. Before I made it to the door, Amanda's head popped out of the bathroom...Keith Urban had completed his hit and she was probably looking to see who would be up next in case there was a need to switch the channel to CMT. She greeted me with, "Hey Mom, up so early! Russ (her younger brother and best friend) is in my bathroom so I hope you don't mind me doing my hair in here." I threw her a little wave muttering about needing a cup of coffee and letting her know that she could have my bathroom for the time being. As I neared the coffee pot, I realized that the kids had gotten to it first with their "Friends" style mugs, you know the ones, they look like a flower pot and hold about 1/2 gallon at one time. Russ passed through with his usual upbeat manner, giving me a morning peck on the cheek and inquired about how I had slept. Making a decision not to comment about being woke up to Keith Urban...he probably heard the music in his room...I proceded to let him know I slept fine and we touched on what his schedule was for the day. After grinding more coffee beans and brewing a full 12 cups of coffee... that might get me a least one cup...I headed back to my room to sip my coffee and make an attempt to get a handle on Amanda's schedule. Asking Amanda a few questions in between her questions about how her hair looked... is it too flat on top, too puffy on the sides, are the highlights fading.....(you learn with daughters the best answer is the question, "What do you think?"), I still wasn't sure if I knew how she was coming home, when she was coming home and if she would be needing lunch or dinner. Russ, by this time had come to sit on the foot of my bed and very gently let me know that this was the third time I had questioned them...this happens in your can't remember asking the questions, getting the answers, or even what questions you wanted to ask.

The morning continued in a bustle of activity, questions from Amanda about which earrings and shoes looked best, Russ trying to download music to listen to on the way to school...(it takes them about 40 minutes to get to school since we live in the country)..poptarts being popped and more questions from me sprinkled with unneeded but respectly heard advice on sitting near the front of the class, being sure to take good notes, using any little breaks in the day to get a handle on your homework, etc....My questions paid off and I discovered that Russ would not have class until around 11:00, but would be leaving around 8:30, so he could troll (a term his father came up with) around school for awhile having a little social time. He would be home around 1:45, need lunch and then be on his way to his job. We set 8:30 for his dinner and I showed great restraint in not mentioning the fact that that leaves either a very late night for studying or no studying tonight at all and college is all about time management. Amanda had a friend Adam, (actually he is a "Russ' friend" spillover), picking her up and I couldn't help but remind her that she could ride with her brother, but apparently riding in Adam's shiny jet black Camero has, for now, put Adam or at least his car one up on her brother and his silver Ford Ranger. At around 8:10a.m.,with my nose stuck to the window like a kid looking in a candy shop, I observed Adam driving down the dirt drive in Amanda's sleek black ride. Thank goodness Adam came down the drive slowly and carefully and had the manners to come into the house. I am afraid if he had just honked the horn for her, at least on this first time, black, sleek or not she would be riding in the silver Ford Ranger. Rushing into the kitchen hoping for an inconspicuous way to caution Adam to drive carefully, I was greeted politely with a hello Mrs. Barnes. The three chatted for just a minute or two about the price of books, lack of books due to price, and strategy from the boys on how to use "poor boy" sympathy on a cute girl in order to gain access to textbooks. Now, that I reflect, I don't know if the strategy is to use the book thing to get to know cute girls or get to know cute girls to save money on books. It really doesn't matter since Russ has his books. Anyway, while I was in my fog state trying to figure this one out, I realized Amanda and Adam where going out the door. Running to the door all I was able to yell out, without looking totally stupid, was please drive carefully... no sermons, no guilt trips, no statistics on how many accidents are caused by talking on cell phones while driving. But, all is not lost....Russ was still in the house so I was able to inflict on him all that I was unable to inflict on Amanda and Adam. And there it is....the first day of a new semester in college, a quiet house for me, and looking ahead to longer days of quiet than I have ever experienced.

Oh, I know how blessed I am and that through God's mercy this is a gradual change in life. My kids still live at home and so they are still around. They are also very, very intuitive and have shown a gentleness and understanding toward us that brings tears to my eyes. They seem to understand that this is something all parents go through and they are doing everything they can to make it easier on us. To my mind comes one of my favorite and most comforting scriptures, "Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance." Psalm 16:5-6. Again and again he is reassuring us as in Isaiah 43: 1b-3, "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass by the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord, your God." In verses 18-19a God is telling us of new and great things ahead of us..."Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!" I have always enjoyed the hustle and bustle of homeschooled life, of children around all day long, of doing things together, and being an important part of my kids life in the here. Oh, I know I am still important (just need my heart to catch up with my head), just needed in a different way....the boundaries have fallen for a place a little different in the after. Here's to every mother on their children's first day of school. May God be with you and bless you!


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