His Precious Words!

Two of my nieces have babies that are only a year old...JM was one just a week ago and Eden will be celebrating her first birthday in about 2 weeks. They are both just starting to develop sounds into words. Both of these little ones are saying mama and daddy but as each day passes more words will come tumbling out of their little mouths. For my nieces Christmas present I gave them each a little book so that they could document the treasures of speech that will be flowing from their toddlers lips. Each and every word will be like silver and gold to their mommies and daddies. I imagine both these mommies will be calling, texting, and waiting at the door for their husbands to share what precious nuggets have blessed their ears. I hope that in the years to come they can sit with their child and show him/her their little books and the wonderful words that were recorded.

We each have a precious book that we can sit with and find nuggets of gold and silver. You know the book... It is full of treasures and those treasures are not only limited to single words...there are groups of words that make up paragraphs of promises to us. There are words grouped together to motivate us, to encourage us, to bring us joy and peace. There are lines and lines of stories that can capture us, make us laugh, and yes, make us cry. There are love stories and war stories and animal stories. This book teaches us, instructs us and leads us down the path of righteous. When we spend time among the pages of this book, when we sit quietly and savour these precious nuggets it brings us closer to the one that loves us unconditionally, our Creator, our Lord and King. Yes, it is our bible! How excited are you about all those precious pieces of gold and silver between the cover of your bible? How often do you open the cover and read through the pages? And when you do can you hardly wait to share what you have read with your spouse, sibling, friend, parents? Do you want to rush to your telephone, to your computer, or text about the treasure you have just discovered? Are you anxiously waiting at the door for your spouse to come home from work to share what you have discovered? I hope so because I want yo to experience, in this new year, all the treasures that God's word holds for you.

“I have not departed from the command of His lips;
I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food."
Job 23:12


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