If this were your last day...?

On May 24,  some Christians were predicting that the world was coming to an end. Today, is June 1st, I’m writing this, you’re reading this, so I guess the world didn’t come to an end!  It was quite the topic on the news and talk channels for the week prior to May 24th. I listened intently as people, Christians and non-Christians, were interviewed. The question posed was if this was your last day and you knew it, what would you be doing? The comments were pretty standard…spend more time with family, party hardy, do the thrill seeking things on your bucket list (jumping from a plane, race a Nascar, go zip lining…etc.).  To my dismay, I heard a lot of answers except for spiritual ones. I didn’t hear anyone say they would fall to their knees and pray, “All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him, for dominion belongs to the Lord”. Psalm 22:27, or that they would spend the day telling as many people as possible about their Lord and Savior, or that they would stand on the rooftop and praise His holy name. I will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise You”. Psalm 22:22.
Now let me ask you to seriously consider what you would do if you knew this was your last day in this world? I know you have heard the saying to live each day as if it was your very last. How should we live it then? Listen to what Saint Peter tells us…”YOU are ‘a chosen race. a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a people he claims for his own to proclaim the glorious works’ of the One who called you from darkness into his marvelous light.” 1 Peter 2:4-9.  As Christians, we are special. God has claimed us for His own to do a special job. He chose us and we are consecrated…holy, sanctified, set apart! WOW! And our job as chosen people, as royalty, is to proclaim God’s glorious works! Think about it as being like Prince William and Kate of the royal family. As visible members of the royal family, they always project the highest standards to further the monarchy. That is what we should be doing…furthering God’s kingdom each and every day…not just if this were our last.
So, when you wake up tomorrow, as a chosen person, as royalty, as consecrated, spend tomorrow as it was your last day…find a way to proclaim the glorious works of the One who has called you into his marvelous light….that is what this life is all about!


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