
Showing posts from September, 2011

Overflow of our hearts

Communication is hard for me. I want to communicate in the right way but I fail often. For the last couple of weeks I have been reading a book that God has used to bring some key issues to me and I want to share them. Keep an open mind and pray that the Lord will speak to your heart as he has done for me. " No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks." Luke 6:43-46 These passages of scripture are very powerful. " For out of the overflow of our hearts our mouths speak"... word problems reveal heart problems. The people and situations around do not make us say what we say; they are only the occasion for our hearts to reveal themselves in ...


Okay folks...reading some of my posts you probably feel like my life is full of drama. Actually, not really or at least not up until about the last three or so years. It was one big event that just seemed to spiral out of control. My loss of serotonin, my daughter's near fatal accident, the months spent in the hospital, rehab, the at-home therapy, loss of my husband's job, loss of medical insurance...near loss of sanity! Well, at times it felt like we were hanging by just a thread. But God is merciful and hang on we have. A couple of weeks ago while reading my bible the Lord gave me this scripture ..."and God will restore what the Locust have eaten." Joel 2:25. God has not only been faithful to restore to us our daughter but he has restored my health, my husband's job, our income, and our joy and peace! God was preparing us months before my daughter's accident and the seemingly downturn of our lives...every week a friend and I were getting together to pray. ...

A Look Back

Over Labor Day my husband and I celebrated our anniversary. During our much needed, restful looong weekend I had a chance to look back over the years that have so quickly passed by. Over the years we have experienced, like most couples, highs and lows. God has blessed us with a strong faith, with my husband's long and respected career, the birth of our biggest blessing...our children, our children growing into wonderful, loving adults, seeing our son get married, and thus gaining another daughter. God has also seen fit to bless us with a wonderful home in the country that is such a retreat to see the majesty of our Father. We have had the opportunity of  being able to live near both sets of parents,siblings, nieces and nephews.We have experienced the love of  loyal friends,and been blessed with a wonderful church family...basically a life filled with joys! We have received in abundance both blessings and mercy, love, loyalty, compassion, and growth. But loo...