We, at the Barnes' Casa de Villa (our house), play a not so fun game. Our daughter, Amanda, takes her clear plastic appliances out of her mouth and then lays it down somewhere.  Then we all have to run around and find it. This is a generational problem my mama handed down. I remember as a child, living in Taiwan, and making mad dashes back to the Officer's Club to retrieve Mama's retainer rolled up in a napkin. The game then was to find it before it got thrown away. Amanda has an upper and lower appliance which she is to wear 23 hours a day to prepare for her upcoming surgery. The hitch is that she cannot eat with them in so therefore they are taken out several times a day even if she is just taking a bite or two of something. At least we have never lost them in a restaurant in a rolled up napkin!
Yesterday though she was walking around asking if any of us had seen her appliances. We told her we hadn't and would look around. She opened the refrigerator and guess what!!? There they were sitting on the top shelf beside the milk. Apparently she had them in her hand when she went into the refrigerator and laid them down. We all got a good laugh. The next time she loses them I will suggest looking in the fridge!

Have you ever been in a hard spot, having a difficult time, struggling and think that you are lost from God? Have you ever felt like you are set on a shelf, laid on the counter or even wrapped in the trials of life and hidden from God?!  Mouth appliances can be lost, wallets can be lost, cell phones can be lost but we are never, ever lost from God...we are never lost from our heavenly Father! "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6.  God is not forgetful, he is not absent minded, he is not distracted from us His children...He knows where we are every minute of every day for every second of our lives!!! He is with us, he knows our struggles, our lonely times, our dark days and he has promised that he will never leave us..."No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you."  Joshua 1:5.  Thank you my Father for never losing me!!!

"and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  Matthew 28:20


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