What a Song!

I had the most heartwarming moment the other day. Let me take a minute to tell you about it.

Taking a minute to glance through my FB page I came across a video my daughter in law had posted.  She had my little granddaughter, who mind you is not even two years old yet, in her lap, rocking her to put her down to bed. My daughter Ashley was singing to my cupcake Charleston. It was one of those precious moments...Ashley softly singing "How Great Thou Art" when our little Charleston started to sing too! They both,while rocking, were softly and tenderly singing together! Take a minute to watch the short video...or not...this post will continue.


This made me tear up! Not only because I am a grammie but because I know how much God was honored in this small tiny moment in all of time! A mommy and a baby giving adoration to the one that gave them this sweet moment...this wonderful life! And because I was so very honored and humbled by my Ashley for "training a child in the way they should go" Proverbs 22:6. How many evenings has Ashley sat quietly rocking Charleston and given praise and worship to our King? Had to be at least more than a few for this baby to know the words!!! "You shall teach them diligently to your sons and daughters and shall talk about it when you sit in your house and when you walk, and when you lie down and when you rise up." Deuteronomy 6:7. 

Life raising a family is a busy and stressful time.We have to work at sitting...I love the term laying down our spirit... and giving of ourselves,to give our precious time to our babies and our husbands and YES, our heavenly Father. Yet, our maker, our Creator, our King has commanded us to give him praise, and honor and glory..."to worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs" Psalm 100:2. "Let them praise your great and awesome name for our King is mighty and holy." Psalm 99:3

I know I am not the first mother/grammie to have her heart swell over something one of my children or grandbabies have done. And yet, the Lord prompted me to write about it, to share this family moment with you, to encourage you to lay down in your spirit and share a moment like this with your children or grandchildren...because at the end of the day..."HOW GREAT THOU ART!"

"Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands." Psalm 63:3-4


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