
Showing posts from 2016

And here we are "AFTER"!

I started my blog way back in 2005. In sure doesn't seem that it has been that long ago. My blog started because life was changing in big ways. I named it, after much prayer "The Here and After" and what that meant to me was "Here" was what we had been as I knew it. The "After" for me meant what was coming. At that time in my life I couldn't comprehend any other sort of life then living a quiet life, schooling my two children, doing everything as a family, and loving it!!! The meaning of life was clear for the best Godly wife, mother, and teacher I could be! God had given me a wonderful husband, two fantastic kids, a home in the country that allowed me to see God all around me, great parents and siblings, and wonderful friends... "and make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own matters, and to work with your own hands as we commanded you." 1 Thessalonians 4:11.  As my children were starting in...

Stubborn as a goat..

As most of you already know I live in the country...and have experienced quite a few funny incidents. Like the time the neighbors pigs got loose. There I was sitting by the window having a little prayer time and down the dirt drive came about 5 or 6 pigs...running and snorting! Needless to say, we had a country pig roundup, which is not easy! We have had a cow loose running across my property, which had to be headed back to his own home, chicken and a couple roosters that decided the bugs in my yard where tastier and then tried to attack me, domesticated bunnies that got out of their cages, which all were not found and some mornings you can see one or two black and white bunnies running across the back life is unique! Of late, we have a black and white goat that belongs next door and she has taken a liking to my front deck. She wonders over usually when the family next door is gone for the whole day or out of town. She stands on the deck, peers in my front window...

Memorial Day Remembrances

This past Monday we all celebrated Memorial Day. The day, every year, that we pay respect and honor to those that have fought for our freedoms and protection. For me it is a very personal day as I remember, as a young girl, my father leaving us twice to go to Vietnam and fight in that war. There are others in my two nephew served in the military and both served overseas in this present war. Thank you, Lord, that those in my family that served came back! Monday night, after a peaceful morning and a wonderful afternoon spent with my family, friends, and my honey bun and cupcake I started thinking about the greatest Commander-in-Chief, the most powerful and fearless warrior civilization has ever known. He has assembled and led his faithful soldiers, his armies for thousands of years. In all his battles he has always been victorious. A few of the battles were David and Goliath (see 1 Samuel 17), Ai (see Joshua 6-7), the battle of Jericho (see Joshua 6 ). "The Lord God...

Snow of 2016

As all of you might know I love a little snow! I drive my family crazy (and thank you Daddy for always playing along with me:) watching and reporting the weather if it forecasts any precip and temps anywhere around 35 degrees....I pray and wish for snow! And as the northeast was bracing for blizzard conditions God blessed us with a steady but light snowfall during the early morning hours of Saturday and into Saturday around lunch.    The Barnes’ estate looked beautiful dressed in a fresh blanket of snow white. Of course, we took pictures…Russell and I,  at 4 a.m. hanging out the front door, not wanting to disturb the beautiful white flakes that covered our front deck. And as the sun started to rise I couldn't keep myself from looking out the windows. The property and the trees, with it’s carpet of white, lumps of snow hanging to all the branches overhead, and the sprinkle of snow that falls from the heavens as the wind blows is a perfect picture only our Creator can pain...

Promises for this new year!

With the start of a new year comes lists of resolutions, renewed commitments, fresh outlooks, grand doses of resolve, a lot of reflection....most of us look at the new year as a fresh beginning, new start to change ways and put our best foot (feet) forward. On the internet there are tons of "bucket list" and setting "Goals" templates to print and fill in. We all want the coming year to be a little or a lot better than the past year....we want to grow and be better people...we want our relationships to improve, and we want prosperity and happiness....or more! This past year, in my life, I have attempted (and you see I used the word "attempted" as I have not mastered the following) to learn to be more focused on be restful in my turn my face to God and empty myself to praise God in all and every circumstance. It has been a real hard, it has been a test and I will not ask God to show me my report card becau...

And it rains, and rains, and rains

I have a smart phone with the weather app on it and when I open the app, up comes the latest story....RAIN. When I turn on the national news the big story is the RAIN. Upon waking in the morning my husband turns to me and states, that again today, it is RAINING! For the past week or so the weather has dominated the news and the lives of most of us. It has rained and rained and rained . Today, though, I was thinking about rain in a totally different way. The Lord brought this verse to me during my prayer time ..."Rain down, you heavens from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness; let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the Lord have created it." Isaiah 45:8. God is commanding blessings to fall upon his people and he is beseeching his willingly and gratefully receive them and to walk worthy of the blessings he rains upon us. What God is illustrating in these words are the ri...