Promises for this new year!

With the start of a new year comes lists of resolutions, renewed commitments, fresh outlooks, grand doses of resolve, a lot of reflection....most of us look at the new year as a fresh beginning, new start to change ways and put our best foot (feet) forward. On the internet there are tons of "bucket list" and setting "Goals" templates to print and fill in. We all want the coming year to be a little or a lot better than the past year....we want to grow and be better people...we want our relationships to improve, and we want prosperity and happiness....or more!

This past year, in my life, I have attempted (and you see I used the word "attempted" as I have not mastered the following) to learn to be more focused on be restful in my turn my face to God and empty myself to praise God in all and every circumstance. It has been a real hard, it has been a test and I will not ask God to show me my report card because I am sure I have not done very well. But, thank goodness for me and all of us, God loves us not for what we are able to do but because we are his and he knows our hearts, desires, and where he is taking us! And he is ALWAYS and FOREVER with us and for us!

And knowing us and being always faithful He provides us with the encouragement we need. January 1, 2016 I was praying and asking God for the strength in this new year. I was asking forgiveness for all the ways I had failed...failed Him, my family, and my friends. And no, I don't mean this to be a pity party, it was just how I was feeling and I wanted to start the new year by acknowledging to God that I knew there was plenty of room in my life for improvement. 

I opened my bible and this is what God brought to me..."You crown the year with your bounty and your paths drip with abundance." Psalm 65:11. I don't need to focus on where I fell short last year but all that God did for me, how many times he lead me out of rough places, how he outpoured his grace upon me, how he shielded me and protected me whether I knew it or not...HE gave me a crown and every month, day, hour, my Father adorned it with a jewel, a pearl, a gold nugget..."You crown the year with your bounty!" Just stop a minute and envision yourself...ornate gold crown sitting on your head, calendar in hand marking the days, and God standing beside you placing the most beautiful, shiny, gems on your crown as you mark off the days and months. Then imagine this in your mind...God taking your hand in his, with the most magnificent crown on your is spilling out colors like a kaleidoscope, so shiny it blinds you.  God takes your hand and he walks you down a path that is covered in icicle like forms dripping from your path; like icicles hanging from a rooftop and they have your name on them and words like love, hope, peace, family, job, home, children, faith, patience, friends, life. There are so many they are "overflowing with abundance!" What a glorious vision this is and what a magnificent start to the New Year! This is encouragement, support, love in it best form...last year and every year God "crowns the year with bounty and our paths with him drip with abundance!" 

So, for all of you my treasured family, friends and brothers and sisters in Christ, HAPPY NEW YEAR and may all our praise be to our King of Kings and Lord of Lords for the abundance he pours down upon us!


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